Library @ Blk 322 Clementi Avenue 5

Blogged a bit about the Clementi Community Children’s Library last year. Rain or shine, me and the boys have been visiting the library every single week for the past 6 months. Mostly on Wednesdays, but sometimes on Thursdays too. Sad to say that this would be my last blog entry about this little gem of a place because it’s closing it’s doors this week. Reason being that the Clementi Public Library is now in operation, so it doesn’t make sense for NLB to maintain two libraries just across the street from each other. In any case, if you haven’t spotted the library in the picture above, it’s actually hidden just behind the starry red car. So obscure right?

This is the usual corner that Kaizer will go to for his books. He’s been really good at picking out his own books, and so far I haven’t had to veto any of his choices (except when they’re too heavy to borrow).

This is where I’ll plonk myself (on the floor) when Kaizer is busy choosing his books. It’s the most adult-ish shelf I can find at the library (other than the parenting shelf which I’m not very interested in). Titus meanwhile will be shuttling back and forth between me and the brother.  Once in a while, he’ll pick up a random book from the shelves and bring it to me.

Will definitely miss the library lots, cheesy kiddish mural and all.

3 thoughts on “Library @ Blk 322 Clementi Avenue 5

  1. Hi Janeeeee

    I would like to request for a hi-resolution version of one of your photos above to be used for an exhibition. You will be acknowledged as the source of this photo. Can you contact me regarding this please? A million thanks!

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